Eulogy For A Father

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I learned at a young age that you don’t always get what you want. For a long time, I wanted a father. I wanted a father to be there to watch me grow and to be proud of me. My father was never there to see my accomplishments. He didn’t see me learn how to ride a bike or play my first volleyball game. He doesn’t understand how much my faith means to me or who my closest friends are. He’s never made the time to show me the love I deserve. The least my father could do is call on my birthday and that’s already too much to ask for. The person who helped create me can’t even remember what day I was born on. When my mother divorced him, I still wanted a father. I just wanted a man to treat me like one of his own. When my mother decided to get remarried, …show more content…

To me, he was always Mark. I never saw him as family. I saw him as an intruder, an unwanted guest, and a disruption. Christmas was ruined. Birthdays, Thanksgiving, and New Year’s were all dreaded. I hated him and everyone knew it. He was the first person I had ever hated in my entire life. Mark was racist, rude, dramatic, close-minded, arrogant, and prideful. My mother never saw what my entire family saw. We all saw Mark as crazy. She wanted to believe that his good side was good enough to make up for the bad parts of him. She saw that he was always helping her and that’s all she cared about. My mother never heard the rude remarks, never paid attention to his actions, and simply ignored everything that was wrong. I didn’t understand why he was the way he was. Mark had caused so much pain for our family. He was tearing my family apart. I was scared my brother was going to run away from home. My sister didn’t want to come home anymore because she was tired of all the drama. For the longest time, I didn’t forgive my mother for allowing him into our …show more content…

Mark had a bad hip and diabetes. I knew he had an addiction to painkillers. At the time, I looked past all of his problems because I only saw what I wanted to see. I didn’t want to have any mercy or compassion towards him. I saw all of his problems and looked down on him. I saw how he treated everyone around him and judged him. It never crossed my mind that maybe he was just tired. Maybe life had taken the best of him and he was just tired. It has taken me 6 years to actually step back and look at Mark. He has no family. Both of his parents are deceased and his brothers could care less about how he was doing. His ex-wife used him for money. On top of that, he has been admitted to the hospital several times due to old age and the fact that he doesn’t know how to take care of himself. He’s old and is fearful that he won’t be able to see his daughter grow. He has no one to look after him except for my mother. I haven’t been making it any easier by hating

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