The Extinction Of The Disappearing Bees

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The first reports of a massive number of bees dying off were reported in the 1990’s, but the disappearances did not gain much attention until the late 2000’s. Scientists were baffled as a large number of seemingly healthy bees would abandon their hives and never return. The issue of the disappearing bees became so severe that one third of all the honeybee colonies in the United States were lost, and scientists still could not pinpoint an exact cause for the deaths of so many bees, however they were able to come up with a few possible theories. Deeming the decrease in bees the Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD for short, researchers believed that the mass disappearance could have been caused by a number of interwoven factors, one of which is global warming. Changing climates and weather patterns due to global warming causes certain species of flowers to bloom either earlier or later than usual, which means that bees are not always provided with the pollen and nectar they desire when they emerge from hibernation, and in addition to this, global warming has been known to cause harsh winters and extremely hot summers which adds stress to the honey bee’s life (Bee Facts). Toxic pesticides also play a large role in the ever-decreasing number of bees. Farmers spray their crops with harmful toxins such as neonicotinoids, substances banned in numerous countries such as England, France, Germany, and Switzerland, are sprayed onto crops (You Asked: Are the Honeybees Still Disappearing?). While humans are unaffected by these chemicals, they prove to be deadly to both insects and bees, and these pesticides are still legal in the United States. The disappearance of bees can also be linked to the loss of habitat, which causes nutritional issues.... ... middle of paper ... ...lly peaceful insects only interested in landing on flowers or securing a sweet snack. Many people have been stung as children and as a result develop an irrational fear of the tiny pinch getting stung by a bee feels like, but in reality, if you do not harm the bee, it will most likely never harm you. When I was 4 years old I unknowingly scared the poor insect by trapping it in my hands, and as a result I walked away from the encounter with a sore hand and teary eyes, but I know that if I let the honeybee alone, we both would have been better off. Sometimes it is hard to think of bees as anything other than Summertime pests, especially when they raid your picnic or land on your watermelon, but next time one of these yellow insects buzzes by your food, just remember that you would not have your delicious fruit without the hard work bees do to pollinate this planet.

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