My Fears And Phobias

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“What are your fears and phobias?”
I have been asked this question many times. I never answer this question because I’m too “shy” to answer, but it’s more than that. I’m actually really scared for what might happen next if they’re told what I’m afraid of. For whoever is asking, yes I do have a phobia, or actually two phobias. What is a phobia? Well, a phobia is basically an anxiety disorder. Most of the time it’s described as an irrational and persistent fear in which the affected person would go great distances to avoid such fear. Everyone has something they fear within in, whether they admit it or not. Studies show that about 3.5% of the world’s population suffers from arachnophobia, the fear of spiders. However, did you know that there …show more content…

At the time, I didn’t know bees actually attack you as self defense. I asked her if I can see what happened and I saw a red lump on her index finger. It looked painful, so I asked her if it was painful. She said that it hurt a lot for her at first and now it doesn’t hurt as much now. She still had a piece of the bee sting still in her finger which she picked at and tried to remove which was why she was still in pain. When I asked what it felt like, she said it felt like she got poked by a needle. I was about six years old at the time and I was deathly afraid of receiving injections at the doctor’s office, so naturally I became afraid of bees. My parents’ over protectiveness also played a factor in developing this phobia as they would tell me to stay away from insects. I no longer am afraid of receiving injections and I am completely fine when it comes to stuff like blood tests, but I cannot stand yellow and black insects with stingers attached to them. At first, my fear of bees wasn’t too bad. I would just avoid it. However, at around the age of ten or nine, my dad watched a documentary about deadly animals in other countries. I watched with him since I had nothing better to do. One of the animal was Killer bees, or Africanized honey bees. These bees are a hybrid that are the result of a crossbreeding between honey bees from Europe and southern Africa. They are hyper aggressive and more defensive of their hive. They attack …show more content…

I hate going to school, because I’m afraid that someone is going to say something negative about me. I’m afraid that I’m going to get called on to share out something. I never ask for help or clarification because I’m worried the teacher would believe I’m incapable of learning something. I hate turning in something that is personal to me because I feel like I’m going to get called on for having an unusual background. I have to endure everything I hate to achieve what my parents expect of me. My life is hell. I force myself to say something when I get called on such as what am I working on. I force myself to press “Turn In” on something such as a family essay. I force myself to come to class and casually sit down even when everyone is watching me. Every night, I stare at the ceiling for hours just replaying everything I did that had to do with encountering people. Most people just think I’m shy and that’s the reason for me not sharing anything out during a discussion, but it’s more than that. Shyness is a personality trait that comes and goes at some situation. Shy people are able to do everyday things just like most people, but prefer to be quiet. Social anxiety is an illness which prevents me to have normal conversations with people, even if I have known them for years.
No one knows how badly that I want to be like everyone else. I envy those who can humiliate themselves in front of others and not care what people say because

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