Declining Bees

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The global population of bees is dramatically declining. Hundreds of bee species in North America are headed for extinction. In the United States alone, from Aprils of 2015-2016, beekeepers reported a 44% loss of their colonies, and that number is higher (more than 50%) in countries like Belgium, France, Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and Germany. The situation is worst in China, the largest producer of honey in Asia, where wild bees are dramatically declining, forcing farmers to hand pollinate their crops. The declining bee situation is one that shouldn't be taken likely. Albert Einstein famously predicted that Humanity would only have four years to survive after the bees go extinct. The situation is dire as a …show more content…

And in addition, there are too few systems in place for the protection of bees colonies from specific diseases and pest. For example, the varroa mites, tracheal mite and Small hive beetle (pest). How to protect bees The good news is that steps are being taken to alleviate the situation. Non- profit institutions such as the foundation for the preservation of the honey bees, along with a plethora of others are looking to raise awareness on the issue. The Bee understanding project is just one of many that have sprung up in the last few years as a way to educate people about the significance of bees in the environment. These organizations, in addition to the education, are planting bee-friendly habitats to combat the monoculture farming practices. They are also looking to ban the use of pesticides and other chemicals, especially the neonicotinoid chemicals. Government agencies, in similar regards, are also doing their part to combat this …show more content…

Also, lean towards planting or buying plants whose pollens are more accessible to bees. 3) Create an enabling environment for the bees to make their nests. Maybe, leave patches of bare undisturbed soils or nesting blocks made from untreated woods. 3) One can put a small basin of fresh water on the window. Remember that bees can also get thirsty, and some bees, like the mason bees, use it to build their nest. Be sure to replace the water frequently to avoid mosquitoes. 4) Appeal to your government and policymakers for the preservation of bee habitats and ban on dangerous chemicals that come in the form of pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides. 5) Volunteer in foundations and institution that are fighting to help preserve the bee population. 6) Most importantly, educate yourself, make yourself aware of the problems that bees and beekeeper face.

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