Beekeeper Process Analysis

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Process Analysis: How to Be a Beekeeper Have you ever had a major fear of something and then someone tells you that to get over your fear you need to face it? Well, I am here to tell you, that person is right! One of the top three fears in the world is of bugs and insects. Wouldn't you love to tell your friends that you conquered your fear of one of the scariest and deadliest creatures? That's right, bees. You can conquer your fear of them while making your flowers appear healthier, while wearing a cool suit, and while getting delicious, gooey honey. The answer to all your bee problems lies in the bees themselves. Here are steps on how to become a beekeeper, to tame your fear and keep it in your backyard, so that it will never again creep …show more content…

That's right, now it is time to get your bees. There are many different options for you, and it's up to you which one you are most comfortable with. You could easily collect a swarm from the wild, wearing proper clothing of course. It is fairly easy to acquire them this way since bees tend to be mild, however, it is always wise to bring your smoker just in case a problem occurs. If they are on a tree, you can cut down the branch and shake them into a container, if they are on something flat like a table or fence, you can brush them into the container as well. I suggest buying the bees for a beginner, you can go to a place nearby your residence so that you can chat with the owner and gain more knowledge and tips for those specific bees. Wherever you buy your bees it will always come with a queen, because a colony can not survive without one. If you buy a package then you must introduce the queen to her workers, but if you buy a nucleus colony then the colony is already started and all you need to worry about is your queen dying from already working so …show more content…

Once the bees disperse over your hive, you can now stick the frames in. You must be careful so that you don't crush any of the bees. You then want to place the top on the hive and put in a feeder. Currently your bees should still be slightly intoxicated with the sugar mixture, however, you want to plug the hole where they fly out of to pollinate flowers. You want to do this until the bees become acclimated to their new home, this can be a scary transition for them and you don't want them to fly away and never

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