Strengths And Weaknesses Of Dyslexia

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Putting the puzzle pieces together is as simple as riding a bicycle for most. But for those who struggle with some of the simplest tasks, yet have some of the greatest talents, it’s an uphill battle to say the least. The disorder that’s being referred to is called dyslexia. A reading disorder that involves difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but does not affect general intelligence. This is the most common disorder in the United States and it affects millions every day. A cure is not an option and in today’s society there is no way around it. But there are ways to utilize the strengths that come with dyslexia. Dyslexia may be labelled as a disability, but by utilizing the strengths that it has to offer, discovering hidden talents is just the tip of the iceberg.
To start with, by playing off their strengths and weaknesses, people with dyslexia tend to thrive in the business world. Whether it’s an accounting firm or large printing company, there are more people with dyslexia than the average person would expect. A dyslexic person struggles to keep up with their peers and classmates with many different obstacles in their way. These setbacks force a person suffering from dyslexia to gain certain skills to compensate for their weaknesses academically and socially. This includes oral communication and problem solving, to delegating authority. Therefore, individuals with dyslexia excel in these areas of thinking which gives them an edge over people without dyslexia in a …show more content…

It is believed that the development of the brain and how it develops differs to a brain without dyslexia. However, scientist have been successful in figuring out what dyslexia effects in not only the classroom but also daily life. The impact of dyslexia on different individuals fluctuates depending on the severity of the disorder and if the strategies and remedies to help

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