Staying Fat For Sarah Byrnes Courage Quotes

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Courage According to Winston Churchill “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” The character Eric Calhoun did exactly that, and more. In the book “Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes” by Chris Crutcher, many characters display courage, but the one who stands out as the most courageous is Eric Calhoun. Eric shows lots of courage throughout the book helping Sarah and being loyal to his friends. Eric is courageous by staying fat for Sarah so they stay friends, taking Sarah’s problems into his own hands, and staying true to Sarah despite the consequences. To begin with, Eric shows courage by staying fat for Sarah Byrnes. Eric joined the swim team and began to slim, but he was afraid him not being an outcast might interfere with his friendship with Sarah. He decided to try and stay fat so he and Sarah could be friends. “When I found out you were staying fat for me, I went home and cried and cried. …show more content…

Many people would shy away and not want to get involved with what Sarah was going through, but Eric was different. Eric listened to Sarah, but he knew what was right. When Eric found out about what Sarah was going through, he got help from the people he trusted, despite the threats and warnings she told him. He knew what was right, and he knew what he had to do. When he told Sarah that he got help, she was not thankful, she was furious. He was not praised or thanked like most people would, but because he was courageous, he did what he felt he needed to do. “I'm responsible for anything I know. I was careful who I told.” (Crutcher pg 198) He stood up and spoke out. It takes great courage for someone to leap into a problem that isn't even necessarily their responsibility. He helped even though he wasn't thanked, and even though he was now involved in a dangerous issue. He even saved Sarah’s life telling Lemry, who is an adult he can

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