Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry Courage Quotes

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Courage is having to stand up for people who are being treated unfairly or if they have different skin color. In Mildred Taylor’s book Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Stacey has to show courage by standing up for his friends and family. Stacey is a seventh grader at Great Faith Elementary School and is the oldest Logan kid. when Papa is gone he feels like he needs to be the man of the house and watch out for his younger siblings. Stacey had to show courage when he helped Little Man get back at the bus, takes the blame for the cheat notes, and took T.J. home when he was injured. Stacey helps Little Man get back at the Jefferson Davis bus because the bus always gets them dirty and run them into the mud on purpose. Taylor says on page 50,” Stacey caught T.J. his friend with some so he could pass the test. To make sure that T.J. didn’t fail seventh grade again Stacey said,” He said nothing of T.J.’s cheating or that Christopher-John,Little Man, and I had been with him, and when Mama asked him a question he could not answer honestly, he simply looked at his feet and refused to speak”(Taylor,95). That was a very courageous thing to do because he could have easily told on T.J., but he didn’t because he didn’t want T.J to fail seventh grade again. Stacey is a great friend to T.J., but is T.J. a great friend Stacey? When your friend is in need should you help them or leave them to die? When T.J. was beaten up at Strawberry he came to the Logan’s house because he had faith that they would help him. T.J. wanted help so bad he said,”Stacey, help me get home, he pleaded” (Taylor, 248). T.J. really wanted help because he pleaded, Stacey has a choice either to help him or leave him. Stacey is a great friend to T.J. and helps him get home, but he could have easily left him in the dust for all the things T.J. has done to his family like getting Mama fired. When Stacey helped his siblings get back at the Jefferson Davis school bus, get in trouble for the cheat notes, and take T.J. home when was injured he was showing courage. He stood up for his family and friends, he went through a lot to help them even though he could get in trouble. These examples of courage can help motivate people to stand up for their friends and

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