Susy Hendrix Accomplishments

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“Is this light on,” ponders Wait Until Dark blind leading lady Susy Hendrix, as she attempts to figure out while a strange man opens the blinds, even though, indeed, the lights in the Hendrix household are on. Susy Hendrix is blind, what could possibly give her the slightest intuition that the the lights would be on; because she is has perception. She holds the capability of heightened senses, feelings, and a highly intelligent, cunning mind that ultimately save her life at the end of the play. In October of 2015, I had the opportunity to play and perform as Susy Hendrix in my high school’s production of Wait Until Dark. Playing Susy provided me with more than another show to add on my resume, but a well grasped view of me as a person and performer. She taught me about trusting and believing in myself and most importantly overcoming any disability or obstacle no matter what the odds. As I mentioned above, Susy Hendrix is blind. She was blinded in a car accident about a year before the show takes place. While still figuring out how to live life without sight, her husband Sam, extends little help. He forces her to do things on her own: …show more content…

Without the strength of Sam’s tough love, Susy would have never survived Roat, the cold-blooded killer. Susy, however, did not learn true strength until she was put to the test: fight or flight. Susy taught me that true strength comes from within. All the training, coaching, and yelling that Sam did, only gave her a guidance. She could not take control of her life and find the strength she needed until she was ready to. Susy showed me that only I can make a change. Only I can push through a scary and tough situation with the strength of me. It also taught me that harboring strength from others is the foundation of everything. I’m the only one who can build strength inside, but help from supportive people only improves that strength, making it stronger than

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