Sophomore Narrative Analysis

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Sophomore Reflection Sitting at my desk I breathe heavily to find I had just crammed an entire essay in one night, not a moment I was proud of. I was stuck, the conclusion was always the most troubling for me. I remember my teacher saying summarizing would be a waste of time but I didn't know any better. I reread my essay for the third time now and am still looking for words to type. Thinking my paper was already strong enough slacking off on the conclusion wouldn't be so bad. I start to paddle away at the keyboard with a nonsense conclusion which was totally unrelated to the essay. "It can't be that bad," I thought to myself. I continue to type the conclusion not knowing how off topic I was going. This was going to be to be the paper that …show more content…

Some were run ons, and some just didn't make sense. In my Holden essay I had many run ons and word errors that could've been fixed if I took my essay to RWC or just reread more carefully. When I was talking about a moment in science class with my teacher I said , "The same old crap I'd hear from every teacher, basically I'd tune myself out and just agree with everything until they let me go, I've learned that if you fight the teacher or disagree they keep you longer" (Holden's Voice Essay). This was obviously a run on sentence and re-reading this there are three spots I should have put a period and started a new sentence. For next year or my next essay I plan to remember this by always reading it out loud to myself and making sure it makes sense. Also with my sentence structure issue I had words that were spelled incorrectly once again because of not careful rereading. In an alternate essay when I was talking about how Darnay and how he almost lost his wife, I say, "His suffering in prison brought him closer to his wife and her father, it made him realize all he was going to loose" (Tale of Two Cities). The word loose, should have been changed lose, with careful reading I could have caught that. The overall theme I have with most of my essays is that I don't carefully read and or have someone proof read for

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