Sociology Of Leopard Man Essay

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In the essay, The Sociology of Leopard Man, by Logan Feys, he argues that individuality can be affected by the pressures that society puts on people. I completely agree with this main focal point in the essay. I agree with Feys because he explains that, “Conformity can be seen as the world's most common but dangerous psychological disorder” (par. 6). This touches on the fact that people in our society change who they are. But also that as people conform they begin to lose a sense of self, which can lead to harmful disorders. This is not only terrifying but very evident in our world.
Another reason I agree with Feys is because he shares the point that, “Society looks down upon freakish and extraordinary individuals alike and views them with suspicion” (par. 4). This discusses that as a people we put so much pressure on everyone to conform to what is mainstream along with the majority. Also that people who aren’t “normal” are negatively stereotyped. This is very sad, people have enough insecurities naturally without being labeled by those around them. …show more content…

Our school sets a dress code but beyond that as pupils we judge each other's appearance. We base our opinion of how intelligent a person is by their grades. Maybe dressing and looking different is what someone enjoys. That could be how they express who they are and we judge them for it. Or maybe someone is more street smart than book smart. In all actuality someone could be incredibly smart but is not a good test taker. I've been in a club called Circle Of Friends, and in my experience some of the smartest kids are those with disabilities and they get very little to no credit. In many ways people sacrifice their happiness and individuality to “fit

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