Logan Feys 'The Sociology Of Leopard Man'

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Individualism and conformity--two very commonly used terms to describe anyone in today’s time. In comparison to the article “The Sociology of Leopard Man,” written by Logan Feys, one of the most notable quotes that relates to individualism and conformity is “to be a human is to be an individual human, with individual tastes [...][and]talents [...] that are distinct from those of others. Living in society, we are under constant pressure to surrender our individuality to the will of the majority, the school, the workplace, the family, …” (Feys Par. 6). To be truthful, conformity and nonconformity are used to determine a person’s inner-being, but every person is different, and in this case people will not always agree with each other on how they should live. For example, Abraham Lincoln would be considered one of the rare ones in the history of the United States. With the fact he was a nonconformist, one way he proved it was when he stated: “...I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, [...] and part with him when he goes wrong.” Usually during that time it was that people agree with someone, period, no questions asked and completely disregarding morality, but instead he believes as an individual that it is moral to stand with those that are correct, and vice-versa for those that are wrong. This is exactly like how slave owners at that time and people that do not believe in black and white marriage should not be stood with, which is exactly the point made in this quote: stand with the ones that are right, not with the ones that are wrong, and because of the time period Lincoln lived in, this is what made him a nonconformist. No one should have to be under the pressure of those that say they are right when they are ultimately

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