The Girl Who Can, The Grandma By Julia Alvarez

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Although believed to be only negative, conflicts based on conformity can have positive results. Problems derived from conformity may cause controversy in society but for some people who conformed, they’ll know that it’s not always going to be a negative result. However, conforming can lead to positives too such as happiness or learning something new. Throughout the short story of The Girl Who Can, the grandma, Nana, constantly accuses her granddaughter, Adjoa, for having weak legs. Not only did she have small legs, but she also had trouble speaking and getting out the words she wanted to say. She was able to think and process the words in her head but struggled mightily when she was unsure whether to stay quiet or talk. For example, Nana would …show more content…

She came from a bilingual family in the Dominican Republic but only grew up using Spanish. As a little girl, her parents would use English when they didn’t want the kids to hear something. Slowly she began to learn more English at school in the US and by reading her mother’s facial expressions. However, there were many incidents at school where a Spanish word would “slide” into her English and her teacher would scowl. Whenever she made a mistake, “I would bow my head, humiliated by the smiles and snickers of the American children around me” (Alvarez 149). Then she suddenly began to grow insecure about her Spanish. Very quickly Julia began to talk up an English storm and felt relieved as she learned many jokes and sayings in English. When she arrived in New York, it wasn’t so strange for her to speak English instead of Spanish and she essentially learned English as a sense. She was able to understand the language and was able to not hear it as English. In this sense conforming benefited Julia as she no longer was picked on for her “Spanglish” and learned a whole new language. Conforming allowed her to learn more and understand more about the English language, ultimately helping

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