Social Boldness Case Study

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In the 16PF all the response style indices are within the normal range and the client presented a self-image that is not self-critical or overly positive. The client responses indicated that he is not acquiescent and that he did not appear to have responded randomly to the assessment questions. The global factor in the 16PF that stood out from the others by being the only elevated category was tough-mindedness. By tough-mindedness being elevated it potentially shows that the client may be stuck in his ways even though the strategy that he is using for school, work, and his social life is not working. A contributing primary factor to the global factor of tough-mindedness that stand out by being lower is openness to change. The client is not open to change so he may not have much experience in dealing with changes in his life. This might explain why he is having trouble adjusting to leaving his full-time jobs and restricting his social life due to time constraints to work part-time while attending graduate school full-time. Another contributing primary factor to the global factor that stood out was abstractedness because it is low. The client may have trouble thinking outside of the box to solutions to his problems so that …show more content…

The primary factor of social boldness was low, which would explain why the client ranks his social life last behind school and work because he may not value social interactions as much. The primary factor of privateness being high helps support the reason why the client ranks his social life last behind school and work because he may tend to keep to himself and prefer not to open up to others. The primary factor of liveliness is high and that may explain why even though social interactions are ranked low, it is still important enough for the client to come to counseling to address his

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