Silver Nitrate Synthesis Lab

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in the experiment of the Atomic Wight of the Element Silver. We react excess amount of copper with silver nitrate solution. To determine the amount of copper reacted and silver that is produced. The first thing that we did was rinsed 150 ml beaker with distilled water. Second, we dispense 10.00 ml of silver nitrate into rinsed beaker. Then we added 100 ml of distilled water to the beaker. Third we obtain a precut copper wire and then winded around large wide mouth test tube to produce a helix or coil of wire. After that we weighed the wire which is 2.1290g in balance number 5. Fourth, we placed the copper wire in the beaker containing dilute silver nitrate solution at 11:30 and then we taped on the copper wire to dislodge the silver metal into …show more content…

We were stirring the solution every five minutes using stirring rod. After a while the color of the solution turned blue and the fine needles of solid silver crystals begin to form in the beaker bottom. we used the witting time to weight a piece of filter paper which is 1.1740 g at balance number 5 and to prepare the funnel and the filter paper for filtrate. Then, we put a clean 250 ml beaker under the steam of the funnel to catch the filtrate. Fifth, we removed the coper wire from the blue copper nitrate solution at 12:10 by using tweezer because the solution can stain our skin. The next thing that we did is to wash the wire with distilled water to get the silver off the wire and we cleaned with a paper toweling to make sur the wire is completely clean. And then we reweighted the wire which is 1.8824g in balance number 5. Sixth, we filtered the blue solution of copper nitrate and any unreacted silver nitrate through the funnel. Then we washed the ramming bits of silver from the beaker into the funnel by using a small stream of distilled water. Also, after that we washed the filter paper and silver with three small portion of acetone. In this step, we had to wear goggles because of the

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