Shutting Down Patterns

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Shutting down our screens for a week would be good for the school, students and staff. There are many studies that show the negative effects that all the devices have on people. One article it shows that people are addicted to using their devices, checking emails, responding to texts, and answering calls. It all affects your brain, it changes how you think and behave. Another reason that shutting down our screens for a week could benefit the school is because a constant interruption from emails, texts and notifications can affect your short-term memory and increase stress levels. Not to forget that kids with developing brains are more likely to have attention span problems and a hard time resisting impulses and setting boundaries. Shutting …show more content…

This takes your attention away from what you were doing. A lot of people are addicted to their devices. They are constantly on them and when they aren’t they are bored and don’t know what to do. In the article, Attached to Technology and Paying a Price, they call this a dopamine squirt. It is when you want to reply immediately and you get this rush of excitement. Not only does this occur when you are busy working, but it can also happen when you are driving or walking across a street. It can result in deadly consequences. Not only do your devices distract you in your daily life, the article also changes our behavior and how we think. The article states that, “...these urges can inflict nicks and cuts on creativity and deep thought, interrupting work and family.” This quote shows that your devices not only put you in deadly situations, but they can also overtime greatly affect your creativity and how deep your thoughts can go. Making it even harder for you to function without you devices. One day you will rely on your phone or tablet for everything because you brain never works on it own. This is only one reason we should shut down your screen for a …show more content…

For children with developing brains they can have attention problems and a hard time setting boundaries for themselves and resisting impulses. A study at the University of California, Irvine that people who had multiple interruptions from their devices were not focused and became stressed. This ended up in short-term memory effects. This can affect people of all ages. Devices have a bigger impact on children because their brains are still developing. Under the section The Toll on Children, it talks about the life long damages that constant use of devices can have. The article says, “...that constant digital stimulation like this creates attention problems for children with brains that are still developing..”. One example that was provided was that a kid named Connor. He would sit at his desk for hours and try to do his homework, but he didn’t get anything done because he was distracted by his phone. Like many other kids, they don’t know how to function without their devices. This affects the children's brains because they can’t learn how to be independent. Shutting down our screens could help many kids start their path to recovery and allow them to function on their

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