Chandelier Crash: A Tale of Unexpected Surprises

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“Lana!” her mother cried, running to her side. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Lana stood frozen, her fists clenched and her eyes squeezed shut. After a moment she slowly opened one eye, and then the other. There was shattered glass all over the lobby reaching as far as the stairs. She looked down and saw the chandelier on the ground around her. She had slipped right through the hole in the center of it. “Yes, I’m fine,” she said shakily. “I’m terribly sorry. I don’t know how this could have happened,” Nester said. He looked from the chandelier to the chain dangling from the ceiling, twisting his mustache, his eyes squinted suspiciously. “I’ll have this inspected and cleaned up right away.” “The elevator’s not going to crash on our way up, …show more content…

Grimmet repeated.
“But . . . we did stop,” Lana replied hesitantly.
Her and Danny both looked toward the source of the sound and saw arms flailing in the deep end. Water was violently splashing and a faint voice could be heard.
“Grelp! Helg!” “Jared!” Lana screamed. Danny immediately took off swimming across the pool and Mr. and Mrs. Grimmet jumped out of the hot tub and ran as fast as they could across the cement floor. Jared slipped under the water when Danny was only halfway across the pool. His faint screams had turned into silent air bubbles. Mr. Grimmet jumped into the water just as Danny reached the spot where Jared had gone under. They both dove. Lana and her mother watched anxiously, quiet and scared. After a moment, which to them felt like minutes, the three boys emerged. Jared gasped and kicked wildly as his father and cousin dragged him out of the pool. “My poor baby! Are you all right? Say something!” Mrs. Grimmet said, nearly suffocating him as she hugged him. “Yes,” he said, coughing, “I’m okay.” “What were you doing in the deep end?” Mr. Grimmet asked, trying not to sound angry or upset. “I just . . . went a little too far, that’s all,” he told them. “I didn’t mean …show more content…

I felt it. It pulled me underwater and dragged me to the deep end.” “Enough joking around. It’s okay if you’re embarrassed but—”
“I’m not embarrassed and I’m not joking,” he said, stomping his foot on the ground. A small puddle splashed Lana’s legs with cold water. “You know how afraid I am of drowning. I’d never go anywhere near the deep end.”
She stared hard at her brother and could tell he was being sincere. But could there really be some sort of monster in the pool? Of course not, that would be absurd. It must have been his imagination.
“I wouldn’t worry about it,” Lana told him, kicking the water. “It was probably just a jet or maybe the current from me and Danny splashing that pushed you into the deep end. The water’s as clear as crystal. Wouldn’t we be able to see a monster in the water? I don’t see anything.”
“I guess so . . .” Jared said uncertainly, searching the water with his eyes.
“Now grab your shoes and let’s go. Mom and Dad are probably waiting for us.”
Lana walked over and opened the door. As Jared passed through she noticed some faint discoloration on his ankle. It looked like a bruise. There were four long bruises wrapping around his leg one way and one wrapping around the other. They almost looked like . . .

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