Juana POV Essay Rough Draft

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Many people worship the value of a sparkling pearl, but I however, despise it. How one small object can determine the fate of man, I do not know. Nevertheless, it is clear to me that this pearl has brought evil upon my family and I will have no more of it. A while back, Kino discovered a valuable pearl and thought it had signified the end of our troubles. Sadly, his prediction was overcome by evil and we are now living lives even worse than before. I must convince Kino to go home and dispose of the pearl because it has negatively changed his personality, and has put our family in grave danger.
“Kino, look at what the pearl has done to us! Don’t you think it’s time to give up?” I asked, as I held Coyotito softly in my arms.
“I am a man,” Kino replied in an exhausted tone. “I shall never give up.”
I pushed further, eager to leave the cave and get rid of the pearl, “But look at what has become of you! You have now become a man of selfishness and greed. This evil pearl has completely changed your personality!”
Kino grunted in response, “I am not acting with greed. I am simply searching for a better life.”
“Kino, you have defied the pearl buyers and passed up 1,500 dollars!” I sighed as I pictured the large bundle of money we could have gained. “We would have prospered with all of that cash, but the pearl has filled you with greed. Only a greedy man would reject such a large amount of money. The pearl caused that greed and should therefore be thrown away.
Kino looked from me to the baby, “I was being cheated. I knew I could sell it for more money.”
“Well how do you explain your behavior the morning I tried to throw away the pearl?” I asked, remembering the sharp pain of his clenched fist making contact with my jaw. “You had become so w...

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...aid with a slight hesitation.
I look at him questioningly, “We also lost our prized canoe. Surely this proves to you how dangerous of a situation this is. We have always deeply relied on the canoe for food. Since the canoe was destroyed, we can no longer get food, and when people are without food, they have very slim chances of survival, which produces huge threats of danger to our family!” I pause before making my final appeal. “Kino, this pearl is pure evil! We must get rid of it before it is too late!” I say in desperation.
In conclusion, Kino and I must return to the village and throw away the pearl because it is has completely changed his personality and placed our family in jeopardy. The pearl has brought evil to our family and has not helped us prosper in any way. Therefore, this pearl is useless and evil, and should not be a part of our family any longer.

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