School Recess Should Be Longer

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Persuasive Essay:
Topic: School recess should be longer.
Context: decide which side you are on and persuade the reader. 2 min thinking time, writing time 20 mins.

I am against having a longer recess do you wan’t to know why?. I wouldn’t mind a longer recess but the longer recess, makes lunch longer that makes the day longer at schools you could be stuck at School for 8 hours. I understand you want more play time but it will extend your day. It will interfear with how well your learning. If you are learning less you could potentialy fail in collage and not get a job!
If you fail in collage and not get a job you will have less, money and could still live in your parents basement.
I am for longer recess because I get to have more eating time and more playtime. …show more content…

I did my work until the break bell rang. Then I went and grabbed my lunch (recess) and found the new kid Angus.
I started walking toward him but he looked upset and lonely so I decided to come and say Hi a different time. As I was jogging away I ate my apple then 5 minutes past the bell went. The Teacher Miss Reddash made seating Plans she said “bob your next to Bella and Angus. I was next to the new kid who was eating his bright yellow banana she said to talk to the person next to you mine was Angus we became best friends.
At lunch that day had started a handball club. Angus made more friends. it turned into compertitions and we had a lot of fun. Lastly we were extatic for a long time.
I’ll right again tomorrow
Diary I hope you like my
Day, Bob.

Recount: Diary from the POV of an inanimate object
Instructions: write a diary from a specific point of view
Target 1: try to use time conectives better
Target 2: try to be imformal and chatty
Context: Planned in a group, writing time 30

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