Scholarship Essay For High School

793 Words2 Pages

Hunter Girten
Dec. 05 1998
Scholarship Essay
Dec. 31 2016
Scholarship Essay
As the last few days of my high school career were winding down, I had to stop and reevaluate my goals for the next stage of my life. A goal of mine had always been to graduate high school early. Now that I have accomplished this goal, I must find new goals and challenges that I can complete and conquer. A new short term goal I have set for myself is simple, yet challenging for me, as it requires me to step out of my comfort zone. My short-term goal is to try new things, meet new people and to get involved. Being from a small town in Illinois, there are fewer opportunities to try new things. I have known most of my friends since childhood, so I look forward to the opportunity to meeting new people from different places. I also look forward to getting involved in many campus clubs and organizations. In high school I was involved in football, wrestling, and track; I was also involved in FFA and bass fishing club. Participating in those …show more content…

Before my Freshman year, I had just always done well in school without very much effort. Before high school I had never done and homework or studying, I just always got good grades and that was the way it was. My freshman year I had signed up for some challenging classes and I had kind of a rude awakening. Not long after school had started I realized that I was in over my head and something needed to change. I had to change all my bad habits. I had to start taking notes in class, doing my homework every night and taking time to study for every quiz and test. Then I formed new habits and these habits were good and they helped me to turn my grades around and do better in school. This new-found work ethic helped me make to goal of graduating from high school a semester early. This experience helped me become a more focused student and gave me the inactive to invest in my education and in my

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