Rock Star Research Paper

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As I entered into class, I was ready to learn what the speaker was going to present. I, however, was shocked at this presentation. When I listened to the first words of Kristi Staal, I could only think of myself as a rock star. When those words presented themselves, I wanted to know if I was a rock star. During the lecture, I finally found out that being a rock star means standing out from the peers and showing leadership. As a result, I plan on also becoming a future rock star. From the lecture, I learned about what makes someone truly stand out from their peers. In our view, a rock star is someone who has achieved success through hard work and grew to be admired by society. These individuals have sought out to make changes for themselves by taking the first step towards their goals. Instead of following the crowd, these individuals became the leaders. For example, prominent celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence and leading singers Maroon 5 became rock stars. Even though they have walked a path deviating from the norm, these individuals took actions to stand out from their classmates and peers. As a result, they gain fame and fortune. By standing out, rock stars can …show more content…

Every single action that rock stars perform, the audience will emulate them. This brought rock stars to take upon themselves the duty of a leader. As a rock star, one has to be a good role model and maintain a proper manner. As a result, rock stars must act as leaders every single moment. One example that shows the results of a rock star is the increase of popularity of PSY. In his music video, PSY performed a dance that ultimately changed the way individuals dance. This eventually led to countless of his fans copying his dance move. In that regard, it shows that leaders are eventually going to envelop their audiences. With rock stars paving the way for society, I plan on also becoming a

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