Research Paper On Jesus The Sacrifice Of God

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JESUS: THE LAMB OF GOD In the Old Testament, there are many events that foreshadow what is to come later in the New Testament. One of these events is the sacrifice of lambs during the Passover holiday. God required animal sacrifices in the Old Testament because they represented the true sacrifice of God in the person of Jesus later in the New Testament. Those animals’ sacrifices were temporary solution that pointed ahead to the permanent work of God in Christ. Animal sacrifices were a temporary atonement that foreshadowed the real and permanent atonement of Jesus, who is God in the flesh. The sacrificing of paschal lambs in Exodus during Passover foreshadowed the ultimate sacrifice by the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. …show more content…

At Jesus’ death, John evokes the story of Israel’s salvation from slavery in Egypt with this background in mind, the words of John the Baptist may be understood with the Passover metaphor in view. John presents Jesus as the Passover offering whose death is a feast marking its participants’ delivery from slavery to sin (563). Paul Hoskins points out that the blood of the true Passover lamb, Jesus, saves the people from eternal death due to sin rather than providing temporary protection from death on the night of the Passover (285). As the fulfillment of the Passover lamb is accomplished, Jesus delivers believers from death due to God's wrath and judgment by removing their sin and guilt (Hoskins 293). During the Last Supper, Jesus offered his blood as the New Covenant in which would be given up. He then told his disciples to drink it remembrance of Him. When Jesus suffered His death, the wine because Jesus’ actual blood. It was through transubstantiation that this was achieved. It is to say that it is Jesus' blood that is being offered as a sacrifice just the lamb's blood is being offered for the

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