Research Paper

540 Words2 Pages

Definition of key concepts
Gender – refers to the particular roles and relationship, personality traits, attitudes, behaviours and values that society ascribe to men and women; about learned differences between men and women.
Gender studies – appeared as an academic consequence of the feminist movement; made by women and men about the relationship focused on explaining their positions in society and analysis of the patriarchal societies at institutional, ideological level; have two components – educational and research; answer to questions like – why women are defined in relationship with others, which is the real relationship between the biological and cultural heritage in the formation of the identities and in the attribution of the roles in the society, why housekeeping is not considered and evaluated as work; proposed optical changes in sociology, philosophy, political sciences and also in the military field.
Difference between gender studies and feminism:
Gender studies- is a concept from America, exported to European countries; in many languages has no correspond.
Feminism, or ...

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