Analysis Of Gender As A Social Structure

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In “Gender as a Social Structure: Theory Wrestling with Activism”, the author Barbara Risman explains her theory to readers about how gender should be thought of as a social structure. Thinking of it as such would allow people to examine how gender is ingrained in almost every part of society, thus putting gender on an equal level of importance with economics and politics. In society, gender dictates many of the opportunities and limitations that an individual may face in his or her lifetime. Barbara Risman points out the three aspects of the gender structure that happen at an individual, interactional, and institutional level (Risman, pg. 446). First, gender contributes to how a person will develop themselves in life. This is the “individual level”. At an interactional level, men and women face different expectations that are set by society. The individual and interactional level are linked because sometimes, changes to one level can affect the other. The third level, the institutional level, notes that gender is affected by laws, rules, and organizational practices that dictate what …show more content…

I’m not 100% sure this is deliberate, but you can definitely tell that gender is an important factor in how they run their businesses. Every single age was affected by gender, from babies to elderly people. From my understanding, this would be on the institutional level of the gender structure. As stated in the excerpt, “…institutional domains where explicit regulations regarding resource distribution and material goods are gender specific” (Risman, pg. 433). These material goods are being marketed in different ways and for different prices to each gender. Gender is a large part of our society and culture. It dictates how items are marketed towards both genders, and places us into gender roles whether we like it or

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