Reflective Essay On Conflict

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I am not a very good demographic for this type of sharing because I seem to equally find fault with everyone, but I put my head down and allow the conflict to wash off. This method worked until I got married. Then I realized that my avoidance of conflict blossoms from lack of desire. I don’t care to argue with people because my life is too short to be wasted arguing with folks I don’t need to. I possess the skills, more than most people assume that I do, to in fact be very intimidating to people who I argue with. In attempts at overcompensation, I will often let people walk over me unless it’s directly causing emotional distress to me. I can have crucial conversations that are really difficult because I have spent a huge portion of my life researching and learning because I needed all the skills I could get. My personal conflict is going to be very difficult to concentrate down to just one conflict. I am going to do my best. My family is abusive. Physically and verbally, they were increasingly manipulative as I grew up. I was adopted at nine months …show more content…

That was the beginning. Along the way I made poor financial, academic, professional and personal decisions. It gave my family enough ammunition to never let me break out of the pattern that they had me in. It is an almost textbook example of an abusive family. Individually, each member of my family told me that my father had treated me the worst of any of the kids growing up, but no one ever stood up for me while the entire family was present. I felt completely unhinged, I was undiagnosed bipolar, suicidal, drug addict, occasionally bulimic and surrounded by people who only told me I needed to lose weight, save money, and “be content with my lot in life”. I felt crazy, and I had a gamut of health problems that resulted from being around my family because they were so stressful. (i.e., hair loss, bedwetting, bleeding for four months,

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