Korean Stereotypes

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My ethnic group is Korean and American. Koreans use two calendars. A Western calendar and a lunar calendar. The New Years is also a big thing for the Koreans. Unlike Americans, Koreans visits the older person in the family and pays him or her with respect. Then there is another Lunar New Years holiday. It makes all the kids happy because they get money on that day. What they would normally wear is a Hanbok. What a hanbok is a dress or pants that have no pocks and has vibrant colors. It is sometimes used in weddings. It is where the husband and the wife have to wear one. You have to wear it during the second part of the wedding. During the second part of the wedding you have to drink Soju. What Soju is, is that it is a type of Korean alcohol …show more content…

The ways that I am typical of my heritage is that I like to eat rice. When a Korean slurps their noodles, it means that they are enjoying the noodles that they are having.
The conflicts that I face is not making as many friends as I used to. In high school, I used to make a lot of friends that would listen to my nonsense. They would also help me when I needed it.
The language is really easy to learn. The adjective come first in the sentence. I can understand the language better than I can speak it. The language is also shared between both North and South Korea. In Korea, they teach English in their schools. If you do not know the language, that is ok because many Koreans can speak English. But you will learn some Korean while you're there. Even though Korea is modernizing really fast, they still hold onto their traditions. Respect is built into their culture.
Their Christian faith was introduced to them by Jesuits in China. This is because the Chinese were migrating to Korea while bringing with them the Christianity faith with them. Buddhism is one of the older faiths in South Korea. Some still practice it. There are some places that they visit for their

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