Reflective Essay On Peace And Peace

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PEACE AND METAPHORS Peace reminds me of an ancient little iron showpiece – a glorious relic of some distant past placed in the middle of the mantelpiece above the fireplace of world politics. People fancy this showpiece, click a selfie or two with it, the sweeper sweeps it clean every morning with his rag, the owner brags of it as a priceless possession, but at the end of the day, it is a showpiece. It sits exactly where it was placed on the mantelpiece when it was first bought from a souvenir store far away. It just sits there; still and motionless, of no practical use. I pity the showpiece. I fear that someday dust would pile upon it when the sweeper is away or when the window pane breaks open on some rainy day and moisture kisses it surface and devours it, it would rust away or maybe it would die out of obsoletion someday or maybe, someday, the owner gets weary …show more content…

Even simply put, because we created borders. I know well that I am no activist, I am no stakeholder in a peace talk, I am no victim of war, I am no pressure group that advocates for peace, I am no great thinker or philosopher or social or political theorist. I am an average teenager and this is a letter, an open letter to whomsoever it may concern: Peace is not an oxymoron. Please do not make it one. Peace is not a contradiction, wrapped in hopelessness, presented with exquisiteness. Please do not make it one. Peace is not a showpiece on the mantelpiece over the hearth of world politics. Please do not make it one. Peace is not an overpriced dress from H&M that we buy and never really put on. Please do not make it one. Peace is not a ceiling fan in my bedroom, way too out of my reach. Please do not make it one. Peace is not war. Peace is not defending the border of a country. Peace is not counter-attack. Please do not make it that way. Peace is security, peace is

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