Reflection On The Ideal Workplace

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Reflection #2: The Ideal Workplace

After watching informative videos in class, the company that stood out to me was Google from hearing about what their company has to offer. I am very familiar with Google as I use their website or a regular basis to search up information or for school work. It is the most popular and trusted search engine used by 1.17 billion people to make 3.5 billion searches each day. Google is evolving to not only just being a search engine but have now released their own smart speaker call Google Home which allows you to use voice commands to interact with services through Google's intelligent personal assistant called Google Assistant.
To keep Google up and running they rely on their 62,000 hardworking employees.
This is not a workplace I would see myself in as the company only is focused on the work that gets put out and not their employees. An ideal work place which I’m looking for is where the company or business recognizes you for who you are and not for the work you do also supports their employees and their personal lives. I would want to work where you are able to advance your career and are able to grow in the company, whereas google is such a big company and has many employees which some may find it hard to grow or have their ideas and work shared among the
The lighting in the office or facility would have to be soft and not harsh where it irritates your eyes. It will have to be inviting and comfy for both employees, customer or patients to enjoy and feel welcomed to want to come back. large open areas to work and collaborate would be ideal for me as most work places only offer small work spaces that may be being used or taken up by others.
The staff in this workplace are friendly and helpful. Everyone at the job get along and there are very few disputes between employees. All are treated fairly and there’s minimal to no drama in the workplace. Many of the employees are young and will only be working for extrinsic rewards as they would be just starting their careers. As they adjust and adapt to the work and environment they’re attitude will lean more to do their job for intrinsic rewards and the satisfaction of helping others since you will no longer be focusing on your status and the job you

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