Reflection On Child And Family Services

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I Over the course of the semester I had to find an internship site the intern was at a Non-Profit organization. My dream and passion is to help others, I’ve always had this heart of gold, especially coming from a family that had so little. I migrated to the United States from Cape Verde at the age of six with my family and since then my family has grown so much. I appreciate everything about life and that’s why I feel like I love to help others in need. My dream was always to work with children, so this internship class allowed me to find an internship that I would love. The mission at Child and Family Services is “to heal and strengthen the lives of children and families.” At first I had two places in mind so at this point it was already …show more content…

Society is strengthened by ensuring that children and families attain their full potential. Families are the foundation of a strong community and are essential to a healthy society. Families have the right to raise children in a safe and nurturing environment. Every person has inherent worth and dignity. These beliefs influence the services we provide in our community and have guided our growth since we first opened our doors in 1843. Today, Child & Family Services is the largest and most comprehensive social service provider in Southeastern Massachusetts and the largest provider of adoption services in Massachusetts. Demand for our services has grown and we are expanding to meet that need. At the same time, we continue to work both internally and with community partners to find new and better ways to help people overcome problems and find strength within their family …show more content…

We have Spanish speaking people and Portuguese as well At Child and Family Services the organization is mixed. We have all different types of families we have middle class and upper class. Bell Hooks mentions “everyone in our world talked about race and nobody talked about class.” That comes to show that some people focus on one thing rather than focusing on the bigger picture. I believe when an organization is mixed you have more opportunity to get to know the background of that culture. Race to me is big I don’t feel like race should be categorized. Is it relevant to my internship? I don’t believe so because everyone is accepted and treated with the same respect. No family is different no matter what color skin you have or what background you are. Bell Hook states "Citizens in the middle who live comfortable lives, luxurious lives in relation to the rest of the world, often fear that challenging classism will be their downfall, that simply by expressing concern for the poor they will end up like them, lacking the basic necessities of life. Defensively, they turn their backs on the poor and look to the rich for answers, convinced that the good life can exist only when there is material affluence.” That’s why I always say never judge a person because you don’t know what type of life they live, and it comes to show that material things don’t

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