Quotes For Oskar Schindler

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Schindler the Rescuer Oskar Schindler was a man who knew what he wanted. He was an intelligent and controlled man. Schindler owned a factory during the Holocaust in 1939. He had more than 1,300 Jews working for him at this time and wanted to keep it that way. He spent millions of reichsmarks to keep his business going, but was that really the reason why? At first, Schindler was saving the Jewish workers for his own good, not because he cared whether they were killed or not, but later realized that what was going on during this time was not right.
Schindler was the rescuer of the Holocaust. He was a demanding and inconsiderate man to begin. He only cared about himself and the way he made money, his factory. He had thousands of Jewish people working for him and if they were to be taken away by the officers, he would no longer be a successful businessman. Ervin Staub, a holocaust survivor wrote, “goodness, like evil, often begins in small steps. Heroes evolve, they are not born.” This is a perfect quote to describe Schindler. He began with only being concerned with himself and changed over time. …show more content…

This was both for his own good and theirs. At first, he just wanted the workers to stay so he could keep his factory running, but he was later more concerned with how the Jews were being killed and forced to work. Towards the end of the movie, Schindler had changed. He cared more about saving Jewish people than running his factory, which was still a priority. He cared about the people that worked in his factory, not just about the money that would come from them working. He spent more money protecting them than he made. Schindler hired more Jews to help save them. He saved them because he knew it was immoral and no one deserved to be put through the type of torture that they were put

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