Anne Frank Quotes

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Anne Frank a young girl who died believing that people are good at heart. ‘’You could not do this you could not do that.’’ A quote from Anne Frank. Found in the collection book page number 283. In this essay, I will be showing you why Anne might feel certain ways during this hardship. Also what it reveals about her character. Anne is a brave young girl who always does what she feels is right and her way of taking on life and its challenges is taught for a person to do in that time and she managed to take on so much. In advance to Anne hard life, she keeps a diary to share her thoughts and option on life in hiding during the dreadful event called World War Two. This dairy was a miracle to the world. They now know the hardship and struggles that the Jews had two indoor. Anne dairy opened so many doors for journalists and many others. They have a diary of a real end of the Holocaust in their hands. Anne accepted you can still have fun while you're in hiding. A quote from Anne Frank is ‘’You could not do this, you could not do that. The forced Father out of his business. We had to wear yellow stars.’’ This quote might have made Anne feel that the Nazis were stern people they weren't joking around. …show more content…

On page 357 of the collection book, Anne goes on to say that “Then suddenly all would be forgotten and she’d treat me like everyone else.’’ Anne and her mother typically get upset with each other and her parent has raced at her for 2 days after the two days her mother forgives her and acts as if nothing ever happened. This expresses to the quote” in spite of everything, I still believe that people are good at heart." by reason of this is screening that people can be good at heart after 2 days. This shows that Anne, a mother is one of those people who can't hold a grudge for too long. Her mother doesn't show her affection much, she is just one who doesn't show their love and emotion towards

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