Simon Wiesenthal Forgiveness Quotes

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During the time period of the Holocaust, Simon Wiesenthal is put into a concentration camp for being Jewish. He is taken to a hospital to clean up trash. While they are going through the town to get to the hospital he makes eye contact with a cemetery for Nazi soldiers. Every grave stone in the graveyard had a sunflower upon it. In the book it said "Suddenly I envied the dead soldiers. Each had a sunflower to connect him with the living world, and butterflies to visit his grave. For me there would be no sunflower. I would be buried in a mass grave where corposes would be piled up on top of me" (The Sunflower 14). Once Simon is at the hospital he gets called inside by a nurse, she takes him to a patients rooms. In the room lay a dying Nazi named Karl. Simon is stuck there listening to this mans story about the things he’s done to Jews …show more content…

Forgiveness is not a one time thing it is something you have to deal with all the time. I 've discovered through life that feelings are strong, many people will tell you how you are suppose to feel and also I learned that most people do not want to feel the pain of the event that happened to them repeatedly. In this case we are talking about forgiveness to Karl for the things he did in the holocaust. Though it may be difficult I would say that I forgave him and after he passed away I would have found reasons to truly forgive him. Forgiveness is a process. You can still feel the pain, see the events behind your eyes, and feel the loss of the people around you but you have to find a way to forgive. People think that if you forgive someone you are forgetting or saying hey I would hang out with this person now because we’re cool but thats not at all what forgiveness is. Forgiveness is righting the wrong for yourself because you want the injustice you feel to leave. It’s acknowledging to that there a wrong that was done to you and you decide how you want to think about it not anyone

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