Plaszow Concentration Camp Essay

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Plaszow Concentration Camp
It is well known that the Holocaust concentration camps were a gruesome place to be. People are aware of the millions of deaths that have occurred in these concentration camps. The Plaszow concentration camp was a dreadful place for Jews everywhere in Europe at the time. Beginning with the history of Plaszow, to the man who enjoyed torturing Jews and then the man who salvaged thousands of lives, Plaszow concentration is remembered vividly in many Jewish people’s minds.
The Plaszow concentration camp had many distinct physical features. Before Plaszow was a concentration camp it was two Jewish cemeteries (Plaszow-Krakow Forced Labour Camp). The camp was twenty-five acres large and was originally meant to hold 2,000 to 4,000 prisoners (Plaszow-Krakow Forced Labour Camp). Plaszow was surrounded by barbed wire and the camp was broken up into many different sections (Plaszow). The camp had barracks designated for the Germans, factories, warehouses, a woman’s and men’s camp, and an educational labor camp for prisoners that broke the rules (Plaszow).
The prisoners were ordered to do many horrific things in this camp. Plaszow was the most common forced labor camp for Jews located in Krakow …show more content…

Oskar Schindler was a German Industrialist and a previous member of the Nazi Party (Oskar Schindler (1908-1974) ). Schindler had many jobs, including working in his father’s machinery business, opening a driving school, selling government property, and serving in the Czechoslovak army (Oskar Schindler). At first, Oskar was motivated by money and he did not care if the way he got that money was unfair or illegal, but then his mindset changed when he noticed all of the victims from the Holocaust (Oskar Schindler (1908-1974) ). He then changed his goal from making as much money as possible to saving as many Jews as he could from Plaszow and Auschwitz (Oskar

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