Professional Stagnation Case Study

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How often have you wondered that a friend/acquaintance of yours has been consistently and constantly climbing up the professional ladder year on year and you on the other hand have kind of got stuck at a particular place for a long time now.

This is a clear case of Professional stagnation. Situations of professional stagnation are very dangerous for the concerned individual mentally and eventually physically in addition to professional setbacks which often lead to demotivation/ discontentment/ loss of interest in the job/ hating the job etc. In addition to this; the company is also at a loss; having a workforce which is not fully apt at handling the challenges or pressures of their jobs; or they do not like being in this situation.

They have …show more content…

These will help you keep focused and work according to a plan to achieve them. The best way to go about is keeping that ultimate big goal in mind, also have small milestone targets. Achieving these smaller targets will keep you motivated enough to pursue that ultimate objective.

• Formulate action plan: formulate an action plan of how you are going to achieve the set targets. The action plan will also help you in identifying the essentials that you would need which will give a clear insight to you in terms of your deliverables.

• Enhance your skill set: utilize every opportunity to enhance your skills. Be it on the job training modules, skill enhancement programs etc.; avail every single opportunity with the help of which you will be able to gain knowledge and brush up your skills. These will equip you with better skills and tools to achieve what you have set out to do.

• Continue with your personal skills: in addition to the new set of skills that you intend to learn and imbibe, you might be good at a few things already. For example, you might be good at people management, presentations, negotiations etc., don 't ignore these skills. Keep on using them as they will act as morale boosters in your difficult fight against professional

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