Process Essay: How To Get Rid Of Stress

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You may see yourself sometime in your life facing some sort of stress. Many people get stressed out at times, and some are even constantly stressed out all the time. Well for those of you who are wondering how to cope with these stressful times, whether they’re long term or just a little bump in the road, I have a couple of solutions for you. Here are a few things that can help ease your stress.
The first thing you need to do in order to get rid of stress is to get yourself away from the center of the stress. For instance, if you are stressed out by a paper, take a break and come back to it later. This does not mean completely avoid it and never go back to it, because chances are this will cause even more unwanted stress later on. Just take a while to regain your composure, get your head on straight, and go back to trying to solve whatever it is that is stressing you out. Perhaps you’re wondering “what do I do on this little break?”, well I have a couple of things that are great distractions.
Example one: If you find yourself stressed over a small topic take a few minutes and just stop what you’re doing and just let your mind run and do it’s thing. This still isn’t enough …show more content…

This is a good way to help solve problems that may be on going. The first couple suggestions aren’t going to help you on a day to day basis over the same thing. However, if you can write about it and see it on paper you are more likely to start mentally noticing the problems before you, and you will be able to correct them without even thinking. All you have to do is get a journal, or notebook, or diary or whatever you choose and just write it all out. This can be stress relieving on its own, just knowing that it is out in the open. You don’t even have to do anything with what you write down if you don’t want to. Nobody has to read it, you could write it all out and then burn the pages, as long as you feel like you got it all off your

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