Stress Essay

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Life is full of obstacles and has shown people that stress is very common and a part of life. When you are running around all the time like you are in an emergency mode, your body will pay the price. What some people do not know is that stress can actually be helpful and can cause a positive effect on you. It can serve as a motivation and be useful under pressure. Without stress, our lives would be boring and pointless. What is Stress? Stress is a feeling that is created when you react to certain things. For example, tests and schoolwork can cause stress. It’s a way the body prepares for what’s to come by helping with focus and alertness. What provokes stress is something called stressors. Some examples of stressors are losing jobs, getting pregnant, and car wreckages .Stressors can be bad or good and can cause many situations. The way the body reacts to stressors is unique. First, the body activates the nervous system and hormones. Then the hypothalamus has the adrenal glands produce more hormones so it could be released into the bloodstream. The hormones that are being released cause the heart rate, blood pressure and many other things to increase. After the hormones are released, our blood vessels open even wider so more blood can flow. The blood goes to the larger muscle groups and causes the muscles to be alert. Also, as the blood flows to the muscle groups, other things start to occur. Your vision is improved because the pupils are dilated. The liver releases glucose so the body can increase its energy. And sweat starts to occur because this is a way to cool the body down. All of these things try to help people handle being under pressure and dealing with stress. Stress response is something that happens when you are under... ... middle of paper ... ...l like my mind is wondering all over the place on overload. Oh, and my biggest problem with stress are all those sleepless nights where I just toss and turn. What I do to try and alleviate my stress is tell myself to slow down, one thing at a time, and convince myself that everything will get done in due time”. This patient explained the effects of stress and how her body reacts to it. Everyone goes through stress, whether they like it or not. It can be good or it can be bad but people have to go through stress or else their life would be boring and pointless. In conclusion, life would be boring and pointless without stress. People go through stress every day. Without stress, people would have no motivation to get through challenges. Also, people would have no success in life without stress. Stress will be a part of your life. It is common in everyone’s life.

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