Prepping Research Paper

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A Word on Survival Kit Prepping has become the new fad. A certain show on television has sensationalized the life style and more people are jumping on the band wagon every day. Today, I wanted to talk a little bit about survival or emergency kits. There are several debates out there on whether a kit that will get you through 3 days is going to be enough. Well, we will touch on that… Prepping for 72 hours… The government states that 72 hours is the standard response time for relief supplies to get to the average American. Most preppers today, are getting ready for a total collapse of the government and/or a large disaster. In doing so, some are only stocking upwards of 72 hours of supplies in hopes the government will rescue them. Being in the emergency preparedness field for a while, I will tell you….72 hours is not enough! As we saw with Hurricane Katrina, relief takes time and sometimes the disaster is so bad, the government will not risk lives to save lives. I am sure you have heard the term “self-reliance”, this is the key to any prepper’s plan. It has been my experience that you can never plan enough. …show more content…

What if it takes longer to get things in order, or to some point of normalcy? I have planned for enough “store bought” supplies to last for 10 years. By this, I mean…you can not rely on your supplies alone to get you through. You must learn to live off of the land. In my plan, I have used the 10 year mark to give me time to fully transition to living fully off the land. Don’t get me wrong, I have planned to incorporate primitive living in a few aspects straight away. One, I am not stocking water…I am stocking filters to purify water. I am not stocking meat…. I am stocking hunting and fishing supplies. I hope that explains what I mean. By using 10 years, this gives me and my family enough time to adapt fully to the living situation. By that time, we will be fully capable of using our environment to

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