Photography Essay

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In this essay I will investigate the idea that photography has become a part of one’s everyday life, when we are taking a photograph we are actual taking a memory and making it ‘Immortal’. Freezing a portion of one’s life also becomes a social activity and the reason that one would pick up a camera and snap that ‘important’ event, would seem to be a very ‘normal’ or ‘natural’ part of one’s life, we also seem to think that it gives one an opportunity to be ‘accepted’ into today’s society, social networking sites have become the hart of the social climax of our forever snapping community. It was estimated there is over 16 billion photos on instergram [__]. We also seem to be documenting one’s life and using that frozen moment to express are feelings, such as joy, excitement, anger, proud(?) or even love. We also use photography in are society as a why to pass information, its become a massive part of are social network. To do this I will be looking at how humanity throughout history have photographed parts of their lives to create a memory, a ‘immortal’ memory.

Photography is as much a part of our lives, and is practised by so many people that anonymity nowadays is the rule rather than the exception. the dace is however, that even if it comes out of a machine, every photograph requires someone to take it. The influence of the camera, the invention that François Arago called a ‘gift to the world’, grew at a extraordinary speedy comparison with other technological innovations of the industrial age, inspiring eager amateurs to capture whatever images took their fancy. At first the equipment was cumbersome and difficult to work with, and only a privileged minority could afford it anyway, but once it had been made simple, portable, li...

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...twelve actors at the oscars awards was the worlds most rewetted photograph in the world, with stars like Meryl Streep, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Lupita Nyong’o and Brad Pitt, received more than 921,000 retweets in less than 40 minutes[__]. It went on to get more than two million retweets by the end of the ceremony, now with 3.4 million [__] and still counting. Not only dose this show the power of social networks, it also shows the craze of the phenomenon of the selfie. The nature of traditional portraiture is to capture something enduring about the person, the essence of the subject. The selfie is very different, it's about capturing the nature of a moment. They are not meant to last, to linger in the memory in the same way.

In todays world photography would been in everyones life,

Since we have the ability to photograph every second of the day we capture

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