Informative Essay: The Value Of Candid Photography

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A camera holds the ability to capture a moment. More specifically, candid images hold sentimental value in the way that they show true emotions of the subjects through their facial expressions. Likewise, people may take candid shots of as many subjects and in as many locations as desired which allows room for creativity; photographers might enjoy candid pictures more than posed photography due to the creative element of it. Additionally, candid shots are important for learning purposes because they accurately represent history rather than a positioned photo. Candid photography reveals the true emotions of the subjects which is important when society takes accurate information from it that allows a better understanding of the world around them. To begin, candid photos possess the ability to impact the audience through the reality portrayed in the image. The photos may have multiple subjects performing actions such as, a group of friends laughing, people walking on the sidewalks of New York, students learning in …show more content…

Notably, if a historical image appears edited or retouched, it provides false information about the historical figure or time period. In his “Photojournalism: A Blend of Artifice and Actuality” article, Andy Grundberg wrote on this topic of photos presenting inaccurate information: “This carefully lit and calculated image seems aimed at encapsulating the popular impression of Colonel North as a kind of folk hero…” Then, the author shifts his tone to indicate, “But it is not by any stretch of the imagination a report on what went on during the Congressional Inquiry” (35). To elaborate, this particular situation might occur in schools when a student is scrutinizing a historical image in a textbook and receives false information due to the lack of authenticity. Henceforth, candid photos provide an accurate representation of the

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