Teaching Literature Philosophy Essay

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My Philosophy of Teaching Literature

Studying literature is important it has the potential to open a window to wisdom, and give insight into the basic aspects of the human condition. Initially, students will gain knowledge in concrete parts of literature such as vocabulary, developed literacy skills, and an overall understanding of written language. These concrete pieces provide a basis for the true reason to study literature.

Literature provides a person with the ability to step out of their own life or civilization, and into others. For a brief time pupils reading a book such as The Diary of Ann Frank, will have their imaginations sparked by the experiences, the history, and thoughts of a writer. Which can lead the students …show more content…

Basically, literature can open worlds to pupils they never knew existed. Also with the ability to step outside of oneself students will have the chance to evaluate their own created values and morals based off of knowledge gained within readings; going along with the example of The Diary of Ann Frank, a student may reevaluate their views on hate crimes, or their views on political war fare. "Knowledge is a power that can destroy any man, or bring out the humanity within him," Stephen King, December 12, 2002, 20/20 interview. Basically that quote is a summation of why the study of literature is important, it gives the readers knowledge and new perspectives, in which they can use to judge and evaluate themselves, and the world around …show more content…

This genre is the epitome of those that allow the students to live vicariously through the characters, because the students can actually turn into the characters. Having students read parts in class can also increase their oral communication abilities, as well as, giving them confidence to speak out in the classroom.

Another genre carries within it an enormous variety would be prose. The story itself goes back centuries, and through the years has been shaped into numerous styles such as: horror, science fiction, romance, fiction, western, etc. With such a variety, finding student interest for prose should not be terribly complicated. While looking at prose students will also learn key essentials to almost any story setting, character, plot, character, and point-of-view.

Along with a varied genre selection a teacher should pick out a variety of teaching methods to educate the students. Students learn and like different things, so by teaching in a variety of ways the teacher will have more appeal to a greater mass of their

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