The Prime Examples Of Transcendentalism In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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First Semester Final Literature throughout history has evolved due to events occurring during those times. It has changed in a deductive fashion going from creator to creation. In the early times Native Americans wrote myths of how the world had been created, next Puritans wrote of the drama in their communities and how they affected with each other, finally, transcendentalism focused on a singular person's ideas and point of view. It is important to be able to understand all levels of life from broad ideas to a singular person. Understanding not only how the world works but also how to get along with others and who you are as a person is crucial in this society. Literature from many time periods all attribute to these subjects. Literature …show more content…

From 1620 to 1800 Puritans colonized the northeastern portion of America to escape the religious laws of England. A new kind of literature was produced; plays. These became popular in this age and most of them, along with other writings of this period, were about the relationship between people. One of the prime examples of this is The Crucible. In this play numerous feuds break out in a small town causing the punishment of death by hanging. The storyline reflects the second level of depth; relationships between people. This is the main theme found throughout most writings of this era. Many were entertained by the love and hate relationships portrayed through these tales of many emotions and drama. This is the next level down from broad thinking to relationships between …show more content…

This is the transcendentalist movement which focuses on the individual and how to explore and free a person’s thoughts and opinions. Another new kind of literature arising in this time is poetry. Poetry allowed a person to express the way they felt in an all new way that had a powerful effect on the readers of that time. An example of this is Self reliance a writing by Emmerson expressing the importance of being able to survive and thrive alone. How it is crucial to get away and establish a person's views and opinions. He says that the hardest thing to do, however, is to remain constant on those views even when you are in a crowd of people and they are trying to persuade you different ways. This is the point of transcendentalism; to establish and remain true to who you are even when others interfere. This movement focuses on the individual and their importance in the

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