Persuasive Essay Zoos

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Would you like it if your species were to go extinct? This is what will happen to animals if they are not protected from other predators in the wild. All animals need to be placed into zoos because it reduces the chance of extinction. The animals will be properly taken care of and the zookeepers can train the animals to not have the innate killing instinct they were born with. Although some animals may be too vicious to be placed in protection, it still reduces extinction from all kinds of animals on the food chain. All animals should be protected because it keeps them away from human pollution and hunting, reduces extinction, and it puts less pressure on animals to produce offspring. Humans are one of the main reasons that animals go extinct, because people destroy their homes and hunt for animals. Protection reduces extinction because they aren’t in the wild defending themselves from their predators. When a species is endangered, they are forced to mate, so that the species can live on, and it puts a lot of pressure on the animals to do so. …show more content…

Animals lose their homes, food, and water supply when people decide to do construction where they live. This means that animals lose all of their main resources to survive and they are left in the wild with higher ranks on the food chain. The animals are also left with hunters that are desired to have their meat, fur, or other body parts. Some might say that the animals homes were destroyed for the better, but they are still living creatures that could go extinct if left in the wild for too long. Humans cause extinction due to their actions of destroying animals homes and

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