Persuasive Essay Zoos

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There is a tone of bad things about zoos. The conditions of zoos affect animals in many different ways. Most of the ways are negative . I’m going to explain why zoos are bad for animals and why we shouldn’t keep animals in the zoos. That includes the poor habitat, low diet, and not a normal breeding process.

One example of zoos are the animals habitat. In the animals exhibit they don’t behave as they would in the wild. They will behave more as pets then as wild animals. Also the animals don’t have very much space to roam around. The animals have very small habitats and not very much land to run in. On top of that the zookeepers can’t provide the perfect environment. It doesn't look like the real wilderness. The real wilderness doesn’t have painted walls or clear walls to separate the people and the animals or too separate the habitats. Most zoos don’t even have real dirt. Zoos mainly have concrete slabs on the floor instead of real dirt. …show more content…

The baby is taken from where the should be. Animals in zoos don’t mate normally either. Also the animals in zoos are used for people entertainment and don’t learn what they should learn. My final reason is if a species is endangered the animals in the zoo don’t help bring up the population. If an animals species goes extinct the last few animals are normally in a zoo when they could be out breeding so the animal doesn’t go extinct.

My last, final reason is the animals at zoos don’t get enough food and water. If they were in the wild they would have more food at water then zoos give them. Most zoos don’t get funded enough so the animals have limited diets. The animals in zoos aren’t as healthy as animals in the wild because the animals in the wild can get food whenever they want food. The animals in the wild can hunt for food. But the animals in zoos can’t hunt so if the zoo decides to release an animal it won’t know how to hunt or fight for food and die

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