Persuasive Essay On Social Media

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“Like my status,” “like my photo,” and “like my tweet” are all common phrases that can be overhead in any conversation, whether it is on the street or in your own home. Sharing a post on any social media can result in an explosion of awareness for all those who utilize these platforms. People have started to use social media to raise awareness for serious issues like Black Lives Matter or for simply sharing a video of a dog standing on its hind legs. Many social media platforms, specifically Facebook, have a reputation of posting photos that say, “1 like = 1 prayer.” Even though everyone knows these posts are anything but reliable, many users still tend to share the post and expose it to friends and family members. These organizations have …show more content…

More specifically, first world citizens since they have access to resources and time. Most citizens who reside in first world countries have the ability to access technology and have the time to browse on it. According to the article “Social Media Usage 2005-2015” by Andrew Perrin, he states that “ Nearly two-thirds of American Adults (65%) use social networking sites.” That is more than half of the American population and of course the number increases in the younger generation. It is quite difficult not to find someone who does not use at least one social media platform. The Crisis Relief organization obviously knew the power they could have by showing their ads in people’s timelines. A user viewing the Crisis Relief ad will most likely reflect on the posts they have shared without really contributing to the cause and find it necessary to share the post with their friends and family. This particular relief organization is founded by Christian groups, where some of their audience can also be found. People who practice Christianity can also be drawn to this ad because their religious beliefs were the fundaments for creating the Crisis Relief organization. They will feel entitled to join a cause that agrees with them spiritually. The ad could also pertain specifically to millennials since almost all those who belong to this particular generation have a hard time staying away from their screens. This recent generation has had a tendency of voicing their opinion online on social issues like gender equality or police brutality, but most of the time that is all they tend to do. It could be the fear of having their opinions shut down instead of being heard since older generations believe Millennials are only glued to their phones. There is this false ideology that this newer generation cannot speak for itself and would rather hide behind their

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