Aphorism On Book

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The first part of the quote states that "Books are the best of things, well used" which is essentially true. Books have inspired imagination and innovation for all ages. We are taught at a young age to read stories and because of them, it has encouraged us to fantasize about our future. For example, some children read about veterinarians and doctors and aspire to be just like them. As we grow older, we read different varieties of books and discover new things about the world and even ourselves. For example, successful celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, and Pharrell Williams have all openly praised "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho as a major influence in their lives and trying to achieve their "Personal Legend." The second part …show more content…

In this generation, we are surrounded by technology where social media runs our lives and shapes our views. Social media platforms like Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter have become a way to connect people around the world and say our feelings, views, and everything we can imagine. Although social media does have many advantages, one disadvantage of it is that everything we do, say, and believe in is open in public to view and abuse. People nowadays have voiced opinions on books that they have not even read themselves. For instance, many people criticize the Qur'an or the Bible but hardly anyone has taken the time to read and truly understand its meaning and value. When Emerson was creating this quote, the first step in his mind was to first read the book. Books are often abused and given a bad reputation because of what people say about it. However, their opinions are not valid because they have not even read the book and come up with their own stand on …show more content…

While reading a book, a person needs to consider things like meaning, intended audience, and even the author. For example, an adult person read "The Princess and the Frog" and reads that they should kiss a frog to find their true love, and they do the action and develops a disease from it. First of all, a sane person would not do that and secondly, they would not certainly blame the book that it influenced them to do that. The book was simply a children's book intended for fun and that should not be taken seriously. A person should not skip reading a book and make assumptions on a piece based on what the opinions of others, personal beliefs, or peer pressure to believe in it a certain way. The relevancy of this argument has become very popular because it applies to this time. Every single person who has access to the Internet are blessed to view and read millions of literary works from all over the world. However, with that blessing comes a curse when everyone is allowed to judge and abuse the

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