Joining Facebook: A Senior Year Perspective

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The year that I joined Facebook was in 2014, the beginning of my senior year. I know that most of you are probably thinking I was crazy for waiting that long, but I never really had any inclination to join. So when senior year rolled around I thought, ‘what the heck, why not!’ It was my senior year and I may never see any of these people again, so I thought it would be a good way to keep in touch. But before joining Facebook, people were always keeping me informed on what was going on. Who was dating, who broke up, and who got caught cheating on who. Things I didn’t really care to know, which was why I never joined Facebook before. I was never really into the drama of people’s lives, especially because it all happened to people I didn’t personally know.
I went to a small school, a school of about 350 students, and I am proud to say that we never really had any bullying problems. Sure kids could be mean at times but nobody ever let that person get away with it, or the kids involved would talk it out, as I have witnessed personally. But in a …show more content…

They want people to see what they are doing or how much fun they are having. For example, if someone broke up with his/her significant other, they want that person to see that they have moved on, whether they have moved on or not. Also another reason why, is to see how many likes a person can get. Which brings us to a major reason why social media has affected our younger generation. Our younger generation lives for the amount likes and followers that they can get. Heather Viggiani wrote an article titled “Let’s Talk About… LIVING FOR THE LIKE” where she interviewed several young women in their late teens about the topic of likes and followers on social media. One girl named Ariana said, "I go in and edit out photos that don 't get at least 20 likes. I don 't need a record to be out there that my picture wasn 't popular!"

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