Persuasive Essay On Fatherhood

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Henry Brunner, a biological father to four beautiful girls, a godfather to myself, a role model to many and a husband of 21 years to his wife Lisa, has given fatherhood credit for his transformation into a young, mature, responsible, providing father. As explained and experienced with him, becoming the man and father he is today was not easy and had many trials, tribulations, and lessons to be learned. With his childhood step-father being a rage-filled, aggressive, ignorant step-father, Henry pledged to be better, and the total opposite from that of which he was taught was to be a father. Henry states at the sight of his first child (Gabrielle) in her mother’s (Shayna) womb was as if a sudden mental change happened and knew the lifestyle he …show more content…

She was my first child, and I have to leave some of my old ways behind and become more stable and family focused man. This was a stage in life were a lot of things changed. My only brother committed suicide, the mother of my first child left me, and I met the love of my life (Lisa). This was a point that where a lot of pressure was placed on me and at times did not know how I could be the best husband, father, and man I could be. I had to cope with the loss of my brother, and I used fathering Gabrielle as way show and feel love and happiness, but when she was taken away from me, it affected me greatly and went downhill. I wanted to be a full-time active father, but I was only allowed to see her on the weekends. To be honest, I did not know how I was going to make it through. I was only 20 years old, but I knew men could handle it, but more importantly, a father HAD to handle it” …show more content…

He became more withdrawn from friends and more family oriented while still maintaining a good work history. A shift occurred where he slept more and became more despondent. His wife Lisa explained this shift as “a major depression setting… he withdrew totally from friends and when around family he would resort to sleeping. I feared many times that he would commit suicide because his brother had and this was his second major loss in such short time of the only family”(L. Brunner). After the resettling back into reality, he became more entwined with Kirsten and more spent most of his time at home playing with her. Like Gabby, he would encourage her to explore and be fearless (which she would forever hold onto). Henry appreciated life and family more than ever and would learn to be more patient, extrinsic and movatied. The relationship between Lisa and Henry was unbreakable they relied on each other a lot. Their sex life was more frequent and more intimate, and they noted they became more creative with their affections. Due to Henry’s rigorous work schedule and being the breadwinner, Lisa became the more of the primary parent and would take the kids to Doctor appointments, clean the house and raise both kids. Leaving Henry the time to play with them, eat, shower and grow an attachment to them when he returned from

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