Persuasive Essay On Gay Adoption

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" The Apple doesn 't fall far from the tree". " Because your parents are gay, doesn 't that make you the same way?" These are things that many kids hear. You are expected to turn out to be like your parents. You are stereotyped the moment you are born. However, when you are the child of same-sex parents you not only get labeled as a homosexual, but you also get all the stigma that any adult homosexual may receive. LGBT parents are just as eligible to be parents as heterosexual couples and despite the long standing stereotype, the children of same sex couples should not be stuck under the same stereotype as their adult counterparts, and the sexuality of a couple should not validate societies need to assume the sexuality of their child. Growing …show more content…

One consistent fact about the children of homosexual parents is that the kids are going to be planned and wanted. This is Because for most of those parents, it 's a miracle for them to have children in the first place. It is a challenge to conceive, adopt, or find a surrogate. Most adoption agencies find homosexual parents to be "unfit" and many states like the state of Texas won 't allow homosexual couples to legally co-adopt children. Actually, only 15 States in the US will allow same-sex parents to co-adopt ("LGBT Adoption Statistics", Despite this difficulty, homosexual couples are, as Actor and Chef David Burtka put it, "becoming the new nuclear family" (qtd. in Winfrey, …show more content…

Parents need to teach their children acceptance and tolerance for all people no matter what their background is because tolerant accepting children tend to remain that was as adults. Even in the short time between my elementary school experience and now society has progressed and exponential amount, however there is still a long long way to go. Recent events in the news show this perfectly. As Albert Einstein put it, "Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be a spirit of tolerance in the entire population" (" Quotes for a Better World"

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