Persuasive Essay On Extending School Hours

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Imagine the clock hitting 3:00. Schools out right? Wait, the school day has been extended one hour and thirty minutes. But why? Currently, the average school day is six and a half hours long. In this time, you can accomplish six one hour long classes. Some people foolishly believe that extending the school day will improve education, but there is more than enough time for all of the information and extra to be taught. Schools should not change the length of school days because the price of operating the schools will increase drastically. Also, lengthening school days will wear students out and make them become very tired. Plus, the already hard working teachers would be forced to work even more.

To start, the expense of operating schools will increase tremendously if school days are extended. In Chicago, about ten million dollars were spent on lengthening the school days for just 50 schools. The total projected cost for all of the schools, extending their days is about eighty-four million dollars. In addition, the compensation for teachers working extra hours is about one hundred-fifty thousand dollars per school. Furthermore, studies have shown a 10% increase in costs. This increase in costs would cause an increase in taxes and nobody …show more content…

It is recommended that children should receive nine to ten hours of sleep each night. If the school day is extended, many students could have twelve hours of school, leaving them very little time for extracurricular activities. Also, if students have longer school days they will lose the drive to study at home. Thus causing students’ grades to deteriorate. Only 28% of students support the idea of extending the school day. Students are the reason why the idea was created, but if they do not want it then it does not make any sense. Extending school hours not only makes students tired but it also takes away from their outside

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