Persuasive Essay On Education In Education

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American philosopher Allan Bloom referred to education as the “movement from darkness to light”, inferring that without education we can never truly understand the world. However, the apparent individualist mindset of our collective Canadian society has placed a greater value on the income of those running educational institutes than those attending those same institutes. Consequently, Canadian students are beginning to revolt against the heinous fees and the response to these complaints are usually one of three standard statements: if it was possible it would have been done already, education gives a competitive edge which you must pay for or that there are funding options available to students. These responses are tired. The Canadian government has acknowledged in the past the importance of moving towards equality in access to education. Young adults with education are still not finding jobs …show more content…

Students born into lower socio-economical status should have the same right to make a choice about the kind of life they want to create for themselves. In fact, the United Nations classifies the right to education as a fundamental human right. As stated in a treaty signed by the Canadian government with the United nations in December 1966 “higher education shall be made equally accessible to all… in particular by the progressive introduction of free education”. We have nearly reached the 50th anniversary of this treaty and yet tuition fees in Canadian Universities have done nothing but climb. If this cost were diminished for Canadian citizens they would have the opportunity to rise above their socio-economical status in this society. Without the support of the government on tuition, this seems impossible for many Canadian students who now fear for their prospective

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